5 Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

Yes, you read that title right; there are actual health benefits from eating chocolate—dark chocolate, that is. We’re not just saying this because we are purveyors of chocolate chip cookie gifts. We really mean it when we say that just as “an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” dark chocolate also has properties that can help keep you out of the doctor’s office.

There is no denying the general population’s love for chocolate. People, young and old, from all walks of life, cultures, and backgrounds have a shared love for chocolate. Chocolate has not only found its way into desserts, such as birthday cakes, ice cream, gourmet cookies, pies, and candy bars. It has also found its way onto our breakfast tables in muffins, pancakes, crepes, and waffles. Heck, it’s even in cereal. Hello, Reese’s Puffs! You can also find chocolate-covered nuts, fruit, marshmallows, and more.

Dark Chocolate

(5671698 / pixabay)

Chocolate is something everyone knows about, and most people enjoy. But, not all chocolate is created equally and, for optimal health, most chocolate should only be had on occasion. But, dark chocolate is the exception. Quality dark chocolate is considered nutritious, and there are multiple health benefits from consuming it regularly. Here are just five reasons you should make dark chocolate a part of your life.

1. Heart Health

  • Dark chocolate is made from cocoa solids, cocoa butter, and sugar. The cocoa contained in dark chocolate is rich in plant chemicals called flavanols. Flavanols can help protect the heart by lowering blood pressure because they support nitric oxide production in the inner cell lining of blood vessels that helps to relax the blood vessels and improve blood flow.
  • The components of dark chocolate can be highly protective against the oxidation of LDL, which should cause much less cholesterol to lodge in the arteries in the long term. Dark chocolate can also help decrease total LDL and increase HDL in people with high cholesterol. These things help lower the risk of heart disease.
  • Dark chocolate contains a heart-healthy fat called oleic acid, which is also found in olive oil.

2. Antioxidants

  • Dark chocolate is rich in nutrients. Being made from the seed of the cacao tree, it’s a great source of antioxidants, which can positively affect your health. In fact, it may be one of the best sources of antioxidants you can find.
  • High-quality dark chocolate, with high cocoa content, contains a good amount of soluble fiber and numerous minerals such as iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, copper, selenium, and manganese.

3. Brain Function

  • Dark chocolate may improve the function of your brain by improving blood flow. A steady flow of blood to the brain delivers oxygen, glucose, minerals, amino acids, and other nutrients essential for the brain to thrive and survive. Blood flow from the brain is also important as it carries away toxins, carbon monoxide, and other waste the brain doesn’t need. Increased blood flow to your brain can also improve how you think and learn. Dark chocolate may just become your new study buddy.

4. Help for Diabetes

  • The flavanols increase insulin sensitivity and reduce insulin resistance, which could reduce the risk of diabetes in the long run.
  • For those who already have diabetes, dessert doesn’t have to be completely off-limits. Dark chocolate can be a good option if you’re feeling the need for something sweet. The flavanols and antioxidants in dark chocolate can help the body use its insulin more efficiently, which helps control blood sugar. This can help lower blood sugar naturally and help your body use its insulin.

5. Skin Health and Protection

  • Dark chocolate may also be good for your skin. The flavanols in dark chocolate can improve the look of your skin by giving your skin a smoother texture and better hydration.
  • Dark chocolate can help reflect harmful UV rays, preventing skin redness and sunburn. So, if you’re planning a trip to the beach, you have our permission to enjoy some dark chocolate in the weeks prior to your trip.

As you can see, dark chocolate has multiple health benefits. But, as with all things, moderation is key. Just because there are plenty of benefits from eating dark chocolate, that doesn’t mean that you should overindulge. Even though the amounts are usually small compared to other chocolates, dark chocolate still contains sugar and calories, which could result in weight gain if eaten in excess.

A small square or two of dark chocolate daily is plenty. That amount can not only help satisfy a sweet tooth but could also provide you with some of the health benefits mentioned above.

When choosing chocolate, make sure to select quality dark chocolate of 70% cocoa or more. Go ahead and get some extra to have on hand. You can store dark chocolate in a cool, dry area for up to two years. Shhh! Just don’t tell the kids where your stash is. Dark chocolate is one of those golden foods that can provide significant health benefits while still tasting delicious.


Treat Your Heart to Dark Chocolate