Condolence Cookies (dozen)


It’s never easy to lose something or someone. In fact, it’s one of the hardest things to deal with. Sometimes, it is a lost life; other times it’s a break-up. It may even be a lost job that leaves an individual or family suffering financially. Either way, loss hurts. Chocolate Shipped Cookies can deliver gourmet cookie baskets straight to your loved one’s door. [read more…]

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If you’re looking to console a friend or someone during a time of loss, words may fail you, but you want to send something to show your love. A gift certificate or money can be impersonal. They may have all of the flowers they have room for. But a bit of freshly baked comfort food may be just what they need to feel loved and nourished during a tough time.

Sending a sympathy care package of cookies is a meaningful, personal gesture that lets friends and family know your thoughts are with them at a difficult time.

When to Send Sympathy Care Packages

There are the obvious times: when someone has lost a person close to them (or a beloved pet) or received a troubling health diagnosis. There are also subtler losses: losing a job, not being chosen for a job opening, not making a sports team, or getting passed over for a part in a play or musical ensemble. And then there’s just the plain old bad day, when you know your loved one is struggling with stress or rejection or discouragement.

A sympathy cookie delivery can help your loved one feel understood and loved. They may feel like they are in a haze or a dark pit, but the sympathy care package is an unexpected pick-me-up that helps them know they’re not alone in their challenges.

Why Sympathy Cookies?

There are plenty of things that you can send to your loved one during a time of loss, but we believe cookies are the perfect choice for many reasons.

  • Personal. A grieving person doesn’t need a lavish gift. In fact, a big, shiny gift at a time like this can look tacky, like you’re trying to throw money at their problem. But cookies are a humble gift from the heart. They suggest home cooking, love, sentimentality, and customized care. They say, “If I lived closer, I’d bake these myself and drop them by with a hug.” In fact, we like to think they’re the edible form of a hug.
  • Widely loved. Flowers are the old standard, but not everybody wants a dozen roses. Plants are nice, but then there’s the upkeep, and if a person is grieving or in a period of heavy stress, they may not want that responsibility. But it’s really hard to find a person who won’t appreciate a gourmet cookie. They tend to evoke images of Mom or Grandma serving up a warm batch just when you needed them. They transport you back to simpler days. A bite of a fresh cookie can provide your loved one with an indulgence and a temporary reprieve from the heavy emotions they may be carrying.
  • Shareable. A cookie care package opens up the option to eat your dozen cookies all on your own (and we respect this), freeze them for later, or share them. Grief can draw us inward, but the opportunity to share cookies with roommates, co-workers, or neighbors may put a spring in your loved one’s step. And if your loved one is dealing with a profound loss that involves having company in town (for hospital visits, funerals, etc.), they will appreciate having food to go around (especially food that they didn’t have to bake themselves).
  • Chocolate therapy. It’s a real thing. Whatever your loved one may be going through, it’s highly probable that chocolate can help. Send one of our chocolate chip cookie gifts, and those delicious chocolate chunks can trigger endorphins, also known as “happy chemicals,” to help boost their mood.
  • Quick and easy. When you know your loved one is suffering, you want to react quickly to let them know you care. That said, life is busy for all of us, and you may not have oodles of time to create a homemade gift. What’s more, you may not be living close enough to deliver it anyway. Thankfully, in just a few minutes on your smartphone or laptop, you can get a cookie comfort package in motion. We’ll do the baking and delivering and get those sympathy cookies delivered to your loved one’s door as fast as possible.

What Type of Sympathy Cookies Should I Send?

We have options—many of them. You can’t go wrong with our beloved Classic Glazed Sugar Cookie or Snickerdoodle or our Milk Chocolate Chip Cookie. If your loved one is a peanut butter fanatic, our peanut butter chip is a fan favorite. For chocolate enthusiasts, our brownie marshmallow and brownie mint cookies have a cult following. For something on the lighter side, our Lemon Meltaways are light, tangy, and really do melt in your mouth.

You can send a dozen or more of one flavor, choose an assortment (we’ll surprise you), or choose “build-your-own” to send a carefully curated selection of your favorite gourmet cookies.

What Should I Say to Show my Care?

When you send your cookie comfort package, you’ll have the opportunity to send a personalized note along with it. If you’re having trouble choosing the right words, you’re not alone. Most of us struggle to know exactly what to say to someone who is hurting.

Here are some words that can help bring comfort.

  • I’m so sorry you are hurting.
  • Sending love and peace.
  • This hurt, and it sucks!
  • You’re in my prayers/thoughts.
  • My heart is with you at this time.
  • I’m with you during this difficult time.
  • I hope you can feel my love.
  • I wish I could give you the biggest hug.
  • You can cry on my shoulder.

What Shouldn’t I Say?

As your friend works through his or her loss, there are also some things you shouldn’t say—things that might heighten their grief or trigger unhelpful thoughts or emotions.

  • “Buck up” statements. Grief can make us feel uncomfortable, so our “fix-it” instincts kick in. Resist the urge to chime in with phrases like, “Life goes on,” “You’ll be feeling better before long,” or “I’m so sorry about your dad’s passing, but thank goodness your mom is still alive.
  • My/me statements. In the sometimes awkward space of trying to comfort a grieving friend, we may resort to what we know: ourselves. We may say, “When my uncle passed away…” Or, “My husband lost his job, too.” The truth is, everyone’s grieving experiences are different, so trying to relate theirs to ours can feel like you’re being dismissive. Instead, listen and acknowledge with statements like, “I can’t imagine, “ or “This must be so hard.” And remember that listening may mean that you have to listen to your loved one talk about the same emotions or experiences over and over again as they try to process the grief. Your patience and attentiveness over time can be an invaluable show of support.
  • “Call me if you need anything.” Grief can make us want to isolate ourselves. It can also overwhelm us. We may need companionship or logistical help without even being able to put a finger on what we need. Come to your friend with specific offers of help and/or choices rather than broad brush offers that they’ll likely never take you up on.

Helpful offers may include:

    • I’d like to call you once a week. Would that be useful for you?
    • Could I watch your kids on Wednesday mornings?
    • I’d like to bring you a meal. Would Monday or Friday night be better?
  • Religious platitudes. It’s human to want to assign meaning to difficult events, but sometimes, we just don’t know the meaning of things, nor will we help our grieving loved one when we try to figure it out. Avoid statements like, “Your loved one was needed more on the other side” (in the case of a death) or “God is trying to strengthen you through this” (in the case of disappointments).
  • “You should/shouldn’t.” Because grief can trigger the full spectrum of emotions and last different amounts of time for different people, your loved one may say or do things that seem all wrong to you. You may wonder: Why are they isolating? Why are they losing weight? Why are they gaining weight? Why are they snapping at me?As hard as it is, refrain from giving advice such as, “You’d feel better if you got to the gym,” or “It’s been several months. It’s probably time to start moving forward.” These statements are rarely as helpful as affirming statements like, “Take the time you need to heal, “ or “Grief is a process. I’m here to support you as your body and mind work through it.”

The most important thing you can do for your loved one is be there for them…not just on the day of their heartache but long-term. Call them regularly (set reminders on your phone if needed). Sometimes people show up immediately after a traumatic event but disappear after that. Your loved one may need you just as much on the one or two-year-anniversary of a loss as they did on the day of the loss. Your consistent communication will show that you’re a source of unconditional love and support for the long-haul.

Order Your Chocolate Shipped Cookies Sympathy Gift Today When words fail, cookies don’t. Visit our ordering page and send a cookie gift package today. Our cookies are engineered to taste as fresh and delicious upon arrival as they did just out of the oven. Plus, they’re beautifully packaged, so they look as good as they taste. It takes just a few minutes to place your order, but you’ll be letting your loved one know that you’re here for them now and always as they work through the hard times.

Additional information

Weight 4 lbs
Dimensions 10 × 10 × 4 in


Brownie Marshmallow Cookie
If you for some reason don’t like the mint brownie cookie then there’s still hope for you. A chocolate marshmallow milkshake but as a cookie. That’s what you get with this pastry. Start with our amazing brownie dough baked to perfection. Cover that with a layer of marshmallow spread so good it’s bound to make mallow enthusiasts scream in delight. Finish things off with a layer of our rich chocolate buttercream frosting on top of the marshmallow and you’ve got yourself a Marshmallow Brownie Cookie. Just imagine getting a Vex Mythoclast from the Vault of Glass raid final encounter first try and you’ll have a general idea as to the flavor induced emotions this cookie will cause.

Brownie Mint Cookie
Not to brag but we have the best brownie cookie that you will ever have the pleasure of tasting. Now take our brownie dough and form it into the shape of a cookie. Now bake that cookie and frost it with a layer of our special mint infused buttercream frosting and then frost over that with a layer of rich chocolate buttercream. Now if that doesn’t sound good to you then you’re definitely in the wrong place here… or you just don’t like mint chocolate. Either way, you’re totally missing out here because this cookie is next level shiz.

Classic Glazed Sugar Cookie
Sugar cookies are a staple in the cookie arsenal of any bakery. Our take on the sugar cookie spanks all other sugar cookies into next week with its GOAT flavor. Yes, that includes your grandma’s cookies and no, you should not tell her that. This state-of-the-art cookie begins its life as a premium cookie dough made from scratch with our exquisite ingredients. Bake this cookie dough and you’ve got yourself what most people would call a “sugar cookie”. Now here’s where things get interesting. We take this “sugar cookie” and cover it in our signature almond glaze that’s so freaking sweet it makes Betty White seem like a thug. Now cover this glazed masterpiece in an assortment of sprinkles of all shapes, sizes and colors and you’ve got the best sugar cookie known to man or woman, cause #genderequality.

Double Frosted Peanut Butter Cookie
Now if you think our regular peanut butter chip cookie sounds good then this just might make you drool uncontrollably. Kinda gross but it’s ok, we won’t judge. Take our peanut butter chip cookie and add two layers of frosting to the top. What kind of frosting you ask? The first layer is a special house made peanut butter infused buttercream frosting that’s guaranteed to make you addicted. Now top that with our rich chocolate buttercream frosting and you’ve got yourself a one-way ticket to flavor town. This cookie puts all other peanut butter cookies to shame. Known to some as “The Holy Crap Cookie”, it’s so freaking good it should be illegal.

Milk Chocolate Chip Cookie
This would be what most people consider “the classic” if you will. A masterpiece made from scratch with the most premium ingredients. Loaded with so much milk chocolate that you could literally die from overexposure to pure deliciousness. Ok, “die” is a bit of an exaggeration but there’s a whole lot of rich, creamy milk chocolate chips and it’s pretty awesome. Each cookie is finished with a large chocolate kiss placed on top and in the middle because when is more chocolate ever a bad thing.

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookie
Now we have the distant cousin of the chocolate chip cookies. When we say “distant cousin” we don’t mean it’s weird, hard to stomach and must be avoided at all costs at the family reunion every year. What we’re trying to say is it’s a perfect blend of cinnamon, nutmeg, oats and cookie dough filled with semi-sweet chocolate chips. There’s just a hint of cinnamon and nutmeg but nothing overwhelming. Matt Cutler argues that this is the greatest cookie of all time. Don’t know who that is? Don’t worry about it, just know that this cookie is freaking amazing and Mr. Cutler approved.

Oatmeal Raisin Walnut Cookie
Now fair warning, this cookie contains no chocolate of any kind. Fear not though, for this cookie is still freaking fantastic. A delicious blend of oats, cinnamon, nutmeg, walnuts and raisins mixed together with our secret homemade cookie dough. Hand chopped walnuts and sundried raisins make this cookie both unique and delightful to the senses. A fan favorite among our more aged customers. With age comes wisdom so they say.

Peanut Butter Chip Cookie
Our premium peanut butter chips are what make this cookie really shine. We make a gorgeous cookie dough base from scratch with only the finest ingredients and then fill it with more peanut butter chips than we probably should and voila, a freaking awesome peanut butter chip cookie.

Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chip Cookie
So here we have our brother of the milk chocolate chip cookie. Not quite the same cookie but close enough to be related. Twin kind of vibes here. While the milk chocolate is rich, creamy and almost painfully sweet this fella is on the darker side. This cookie is loaded with semi-sweet chocolate chips which are a little more on the dark chocolate end of the spectrum, tastefully so. Think like the Christian Bale Batman movies, it’s dark but still really good.

Snickerdoodle Cookie
So, imagine the best dang snickerdoodle cookie you’ve ever had the pleasure of gracing your taste buds with. Please understand that this cookie will make whatever you just imagined taste like hot garbage in comparison. Yeah, it’s that good. A decadent cookie dough similar to a sugar cookie baked to perfection and then dipped and covered in a mixture of cinnamon and sugar for that extra little kick. Perfection.

White Chocolate Pecan Cookie
If neither milk chocolate or semi-sweet chocolate get your engine revving then maybe some of our white chocolate will do the trick. This cookie is very similar to a classic chocolate chip cookie but instead of using regular chocolate we pack this delightful little fella full of rich white chocolate chips and pecans.

Nutritional Information

Big Sugar Nutrition

Brownie Cookie Nutrition

Double Chocolate Oatmeal Nutrition

Classic glazed sugar cookie nutrition

Lemon melt away cookies nutrition

Milk chocolate chip cookies nutrition

Oatmeal chocolate chip cookies nutrition

Oatmeal raisin walnut cookies nutrition

Peanut butter cookies nutrition

Semi-sweet chocolate cookies nutrition

Snickerdoodle cookies nutrition

White chocolate pecan nutrition