Missionary Cookies (dozen)


If you have a loved one serving away from home on a church or humanitarian mission, you know all the feels. There’s no place you’d rather that they be, but it’s also hard to have them in distant locations with limited communication. And this doesn’t just go for the many traditional teaching missionaries living far away. Perhaps you have a loved one fulfilling a service mission close to home who could use some lovin’ from the oven. [read more…]

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At Chocolate Shipped Cookies, we know something about the dedication that serving a mission entails, and we know that being separated from loved ones who are serving can be trying as well. Our founder, Matt Cutler, served his mission in Iowa and Illinois, and his son served in Connecticut and Massachusetts.

Matt remembers how much it meant to get homemade cookies from his mom, an expert baker. He continued that tradition with cookie deliveries for his son, who quickly became a favorite in his area when he shared his cookies with fellow missionaries.

We’re excited to pay this tradition forward with missionary cookies delivered in customized missionary packaging complete with an inspiring scripture. Your missionary can fill their spirit and their stomach simultaneously!

Hard Days on a Mission

If taking on a mission were easy, everyone would do it. Your son or daughter has made the admirable choice to put God first just as they are coming into their own, and while they love their work, it comes with a certain amount of hardship. Of course, they’re away from their home and family, perhaps for the first time in their lives. They’re on their feet all day long, knocking on doors of those who may not want to hear their message.

Depending on their assignment, they may be outdoors in cold, wet, or sweltering hot weather for long stretches. While some are in cars, others depend on bikes, buses, or their own two feet to criss-cross their areas. And what’s more, they may not have had a meal that tastes like Mom’s for ages.

Living with friends and fellow missionaries can be fun, but no longer do you have your own room with the creature comforts of home. Missionaries don’t live in the lap of luxury, nor do they expect to, but their days can be trying just like anyone’s.

Under different circumstances, you could come home to Mom’s cookies and a listening ear, but not when you’re serving a full-time mission.

Imagine your missionary’s surprise and delight when he or she returns home after a long day to a box of cookies selected especially for them. Our cookies are more than just insanely delicious—although they are that! They’re a way of letting your loved ones know that even though they’re far from home, they’re still close to your heart.

Newsflash: Service missionaries like to know they’re appreciated too! While they may still live at home or in your local area, their mission is every bit as laudable as a teaching mission. As rewarding as their work is, their days can still be long, demanding, and full of curve balls. Coming home at the end of the day to an indulgent box of cookies could be just the pick-me-up they need!

What Makes Our Cookie Care Packages Different

Sure, you’d love to send your loved one a batch of cookies you baked yourself, but sometimes life just doesn’t allow the time to purchase all the ingredients, bake the cookies, clean the kitchen afterwards, wrap them properly so they don’t break, and then get them off to the post office or another shipping service (not to mention the expense of shipping). Even if you do have time for all of that, your cookies are likely to be stale by the time they get to your deserving recipient.

Enter Chocolate Shipped Cookies! Since shipping cookies is our business as sure as baking them, we’ve tweaked and refined our baking, wrapping, and shipping processes so that every cookie tastes like it just came out of the oven, even after days in transit.

How do we do it?

First, we’ve made slight alterations to our gourmet cookie recipe, giving them a longer shelf life with the same delicious flavor, texture, and decoration. Next, we’ve invested in a state-of-the-art oven that actually extends the freshness of our cookies. After extensive testing, we’ve realized that baking at the right temperature and for the right amount of time leads to a cookie that stays fresh longer. Third, we wrap our treats with just the right materials and in just the right way to seal in their freshness.

And if you need yet another reason to leave the heavy lifting to us, we offer a plethora of different cookie flavors, so your missionary can get their hands and tastebuds on a different cookie every night for over a week! Choose your selection from our proprietary recipes, including snickerdoodle, brownie marshmallow, peanut butter chip, white chocolate pecan, lemon meltaway, classic chocolate chip, and more. And when the holidays roll around, be sure to check out our seasonal varieties.

Your missionary’s cookies will be wrapped up and beautifully presented with a mission-themed scripture.

How Chocolate Shipped Cookies Got Started (Thanks, Mom!)

Moms seem to be behind the greatest inventions—are we right, or are we right?

The first iteration of Chocolate Shipped Cookies was started by Sandra Cutler, Matt’s mom, back in 1980 as a local holiday bakery.. Mrs. Cutler was ahead of her time, making artisan baked goods before they were available on every street corner. Her home baked bread and cookies were a hit, and word spread as did demand for her special treats. Fast forward 20 years, and Mrs. Cutler’s baked goods moved online as Chocolate Shipped Cookies, finally making her out-of-this-world cookies available nationwide and on demand.

Today, our cookies are sought after in every state in the USA, yet we are still family-owned and bake every single cookie with the care that Mrs. Cutler did nearly 50 years ago. Our passion is creating gifts that people love to send and receive for birthdays, employee gifts, baby welcoming gifts, condolences, holidays, and any other occasion you can think of when you want to let a friend or loved one know they’re special and appreciated.

Care Packages Deliver a Bigger Punch Than You Might Think

A cookie care package from Chocolate Shipped Cookies can mean so much more than having world-class cookies on hand whenever your missionary gets the munchies. There is actual evidence that care packages can maintain and strengthen long distance relationships.

Psychologists have studied the effects of “affection exchange,” and they can be profound not only for the receiver but for the giver as well. Implicit in a thoughtful gift is the knowledge that you were thinking of your recipient and the challenges that they may be going through. They will know that you selected a gift to connect with them and lift their spirits. For the giver, thinking through and sending a care package can make you feel closer to a distant loved one and more a part of their life, from the process of choosing flavors to imagining them opening and enjoying their gift.

You are likely keeping in contact with your missionary via email, phone, video calling, and/or messaging on P-days, but nothing speaks to the heart quite like a surprise package of goodies. The element of surprise can heighten the experience of receiving a gift for many. If you need evidence for this, just think of the last time you received a surprise gift in the mail!

So Many Choices, So Little Stomach Room

Cookie lovers, we’ve got you covered! Chocolate Shipped Cookies has created a mix of moist, chewy cookie flavors that range from classic to gourmet to just wow! All delicious, all arriving on your missionary’s doorstep like they were just baked (because they were!). Chocolate Shipped Cookies makes missionary gifts a snap with flavors to please every palate. Order our cookies by the dozen, and choose one of each flavor or twelve of the same depending on how adventurous your hardworking missionary tends to be.

Classic flavors—We’re proud to serve the finest classic cookie flavors for the most discriminating cookie connoisseur. Indulge in our Milk Chocolate Chip Cookie or our Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chip Cookie to take your tastebuds back in time to your own mom’s kitchen.

For texture, try our Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookie or the Oatmeal Raisin Walnut Cookie, both full of chewy oats and tasty spices, perfect for a fall evening by the fireplace—or any other time of year.

Our Peanut Butter Chip Cookie is not to be missed, because, well, peanut butter. Or maybe your missionary prefers the sweet satisfaction of a classic sugar cookie, topped with our not so classic signature almond glaze for sugar cookie perfection. Bringing up the rear is our Snickerdoodle Cookie, a not-too-sweet modern classic that combines cinnamon and sugar for a delicious sidekick for that brimming glass of milk or mug of hot chocolate.

Gourmet flavors? We can speak to the sweet tooth of the most adventurous missionary—and let’s face it, all missionaries are adventurous by definition, right? Chocolate Shipped Cookies has created monster flavors that make it hard to eat just one! First off are our brownie cookies. Brownie cookies, you ask? Oh, yes we did! Our Brownie Marshmallow Cookie has a moist and chewy chocolate brownie base slathered in a layer of marshmallow spread and finished with a layer of our rich chocolate buttercream frosting. Our Brownie Mint Cookie is another decadent showstopper with the same brownie base but topped with mint infused buttercream and another layer of chocolate buttercream.

For something a little different, why not include one or two of our White Chocolate Pecan Cookies or our Double Frosted Peanut Butter Cookie?

You could spend all day and mess up every bowl and spoon in your kitchen making a dozen different flavors of cookies for your loved ones, or you could kick back and order up Utah’s finest missionary cookies with a few clicks of your mouse. We know what we’d choose!

Missions and More

Chocolate Shipped Cookies takes the guesswork out of missionary gifts. Whether your missionary is in the field on a teaching mission, at home on a service mission, or even part of a senior couple serving somewhere in the U.S.,, one thing is clear: they need cookies! We love supporting our brothers and sisters with missionary cookies that have a pedigree that began right here in Utah.

When you discover just how bright your missionary’s day becomes thanks to their special delivery of the best cookies on the planet, you won’t want to stop there. Think of Chocolate Shipped Cookies first before supporting the corporate giants when you want to send some love to your favorite college student, military service members, the grandkids, your child’s teacher, your employees and coworkers, and basically anyone whose day could just use something sweet.

We offer special holiday cookies and love to ship holiday goodness for Christmas, Easter, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, Halloween, Valentine’s Day, the 4th of July, and Thanksgiving. If someone needs dessert, we’ve got you covered!

Take Missionary Gifts to the Next Level with Chocolate Shipped Cookies!

Your missionary is taking care of our community and our world by devoting himself or herself to God’s work. We understand how proud you are having been in your shoes. There are more ways than ever to stay in touch in today’s world, but few things touch the heart like a surprise gift of our home-baked treats.

Maybe your missionary has only been on the road for a few weeks and is struggling to adjust. Or maybe it’s his or her one-year anniversary or birthday and you want to celebrate with your beloved elder or sister from a distance. Whatever the occasion, even if it’s “just because,” look to Chocolate Shipped Cookies for the missionary gift that brings an extra measure of joy to the mission field.

Additional information

Weight 4 lbs
Dimensions 10 × 10 × 4 in


Brownie Marshmallow Cookie
If you for some reason don’t like the mint brownie cookie then there’s still hope for you. A chocolate marshmallow milkshake but as a cookie. That’s what you get with this pastry. Start with our amazing brownie dough baked to perfection. Cover that with a layer of marshmallow spread so good it’s bound to make mallow enthusiasts scream in delight. Finish things off with a layer of our rich chocolate buttercream frosting on top of the marshmallow and you’ve got yourself a Marshmallow Brownie Cookie. Just imagine getting a Vex Mythoclast from the Vault of Glass raid final encounter first try and you’ll have a general idea as to the flavor induced emotions this cookie will cause.

Brownie Mint Cookie
Not to brag but we have the best brownie cookie that you will ever have the pleasure of tasting. Now take our brownie dough and form it into the shape of a cookie. Now bake that cookie and frost it with a layer of our special mint infused buttercream frosting and then frost over that with a layer of rich chocolate buttercream. Now if that doesn’t sound good to you then you’re definitely in the wrong place here… or you just don’t like mint chocolate. Either way, you’re totally missing out here because this cookie is next level shiz.

Classic Glazed Sugar Cookie
Sugar cookies are a staple in the cookie arsenal of any bakery. Our take on the sugar cookie spanks all other sugar cookies into next week with its GOAT flavor. Yes, that includes your grandma’s cookies and no, you should not tell her that. This state-of-the-art cookie begins its life as a premium cookie dough made from scratch with our exquisite ingredients. Bake this cookie dough and you’ve got yourself what most people would call a “sugar cookie”. Now here’s where things get interesting. We take this “sugar cookie” and cover it in our signature almond glaze that’s so freaking sweet it makes Betty White seem like a thug. Now cover this glazed masterpiece in an assortment of sprinkles of all shapes, sizes and colors and you’ve got the best sugar cookie known to man or woman, cause #genderequality.

Double Frosted Peanut Butter Cookie
Now if you think our regular peanut butter chip cookie sounds good then this just might make you drool uncontrollably. Kinda gross but it’s ok, we won’t judge. Take our peanut butter chip cookie and add two layers of frosting to the top. What kind of frosting you ask? The first layer is a special house made peanut butter infused buttercream frosting that’s guaranteed to make you addicted. Now top that with our rich chocolate buttercream frosting and you’ve got yourself a one-way ticket to flavor town. This cookie puts all other peanut butter cookies to shame. Known to some as “The Holy Crap Cookie”, it’s so freaking good it should be illegal.

Milk Chocolate Chip Cookie
This would be what most people consider “the classic” if you will. A masterpiece made from scratch with the most premium ingredients. Loaded with so much milk chocolate that you could literally die from overexposure to pure deliciousness. Ok, “die” is a bit of an exaggeration but there’s a whole lot of rich, creamy milk chocolate chips and it’s pretty awesome. Each cookie is finished with a large chocolate kiss placed on top and in the middle because when is more chocolate ever a bad thing.

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookie
Now we have the distant cousin of the chocolate chip cookies. When we say “distant cousin” we don’t mean it’s weird, hard to stomach and must be avoided at all costs at the family reunion every year. What we’re trying to say is it’s a perfect blend of cinnamon, nutmeg, oats and cookie dough filled with semi-sweet chocolate chips. There’s just a hint of cinnamon and nutmeg but nothing overwhelming. Matt Cutler argues that this is the greatest cookie of all time. Don’t know who that is? Don’t worry about it, just know that this cookie is freaking amazing and Mr. Cutler approved.

Oatmeal Raisin Walnut Cookie
Now fair warning, this cookie contains no chocolate of any kind. Fear not though, for this cookie is still freaking fantastic. A delicious blend of oats, cinnamon, nutmeg, walnuts and raisins mixed together with our secret homemade cookie dough. Hand chopped walnuts and sundried raisins make this cookie both unique and delightful to the senses. A fan favorite among our more aged customers. With age comes wisdom so they say.

Peanut Butter Chip Cookie
Our premium peanut butter chips are what make this cookie really shine. We make a gorgeous cookie dough base from scratch with only the finest ingredients and then fill it with more peanut butter chips than we probably should and voila, a freaking awesome peanut butter chip cookie.

Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chip Cookie
So here we have our brother of the milk chocolate chip cookie. Not quite the same cookie but close enough to be related. Twin kind of vibes here. While the milk chocolate is rich, creamy and almost painfully sweet this fella is on the darker side. This cookie is loaded with semi-sweet chocolate chips which are a little more on the dark chocolate end of the spectrum, tastefully so. Think like the Christian Bale Batman movies, it’s dark but still really good.

Snickerdoodle Cookie
So, imagine the best dang snickerdoodle cookie you’ve ever had the pleasure of gracing your taste buds with. Please understand that this cookie will make whatever you just imagined taste like hot garbage in comparison. Yeah, it’s that good. A decadent cookie dough similar to a sugar cookie baked to perfection and then dipped and covered in a mixture of cinnamon and sugar for that extra little kick. Perfection.

White Chocolate Pecan Cookie
If neither milk chocolate or semi-sweet chocolate get your engine revving then maybe some of our white chocolate will do the trick. This cookie is very similar to a classic chocolate chip cookie but instead of using regular chocolate we pack this delightful little fella full of rich white chocolate chips and pecans.

Nutritional Information

Big Sugar Nutrition

Brownie Cookie Nutrition

Double Chocolate Oatmeal Nutrition

Classic glazed sugar cookie nutrition

Lemon melt away cookies nutrition

Milk chocolate chip cookies nutrition

Oatmeal chocolate chip cookies nutrition

Oatmeal raisin walnut cookies nutrition

Peanut butter cookies nutrition

Semi-sweet chocolate cookies nutrition

Snickerdoodle cookies nutrition

White chocolate pecan nutrition