Of all kitchen creations, few come close to the cookie for utter perfection. They’re aesthetically pleasing, neat and tidy in their simple circular form, whether frosted or studded with raisins or melty chocolate chips.
They present us with a delightful beginning and end—a few delectable bites and you’ve had just enough to satisfy.

(Nathan Dumlao / unsplash)
They’re functional—whether giving you that sweet hit you’ve been craving after dinner or making a perfect baggable snack or a gift to say everything from “thank you” to “get well soon” with this cookie care package.
But did you know that cookies can also help relieve stress and anxiety? That’s just one more cookie virtue you may not have considered, and a very important one given the times.
There are so many factors that can contribute to added stress and anxiety in our lives today. In addition to the perennial challenges of work, school, and relationships, there are financial challenges as inflation rises, the vicissitudes of the pandemic, and conflicts worldwide.
Most people want to find ways to help lower the amount of stress and anxiety in their lives. What if something as small (yet delicious) as a cookie could help with that?
Cookies are comfort food and, as such, can help boost a person’s mood, if even for a moment. But even better than just enjoying a yummy cookie is actually baking some cookies yourself or with someone you love.
Although baking is not a cure for serious mental health issues, baking has several positive effects on a person’s mental health. Baking can be quite relaxing and grounding.
Keep reading to find out seven ways baking cookies can help relieve stress and anxiety.
1. Distraction
Baking cookies requires time and attention, which can help distract you from the things that are causing you stress and anxiety. Baking can be relaxing, creating a sort of reprieve or escape, even if just for a short while.
To make cookies, you need a recipe. As you follow a recipe, you are more inclined to focus on the task at hand rather than everything else going on in your life. Sometimes it’s just enough to pull you back from a “freak out” moment so you can process challenges constructively.
2. Creativity
Creativity is a way for someone to express themselves. Being creative can be calming, increase positive emotions, and help to focus your mind.
While there are thousands of cookie recipes available, there is still room for creativity. You can tweak or experiment with different recipes by adding or taking away certain ingredients to create something all your own.
If you aren’t ready to fiddle with the ingredients, you can still be creative in how you mix the ingredients, shape them, decorate them, etc.
3. Comfort
Baking cookies can bring up happy memories of days gone by. Happy memories may include the smell of fresh-baked cookies after a long day at school, helping your grandmother bake her secret cookie recipe, or leaving cookies out for Santa on Christmas Eve.
As you think back on happy memories, you will have increased positivity and feel some relief from current difficulties in your life.
4. Control
There are many things in life that we can not control. The lack of control in certain situations can cause an increase in anxiety.
When baking cookies, you get to be in control. Even though you may follow a recipe, you are in control of which recipe to make, how you measure ingredients, how you mix and scoop the dough, etc.
5. Sensory Stimulation
Sensory stimulation is any activity that uses one or more of the five senses. Sensory stimulation can help with a myriad of things, including anxiety.
Baking cookies uses all five senses, making it a great sensory activity. From the feel of the dough in your hands to the taste of a warm cookie in your mouth, baking cookies is an ideal way to engage all of your senses.
6. Accomplishment
Once you have finished baking, you can feel like you have accomplished something. This can help you feel pride in yourself and your abilities.
The reward of baking cookies will come as you taste them. That’s probably the best part. It doesn’t get much better than eating a warm, delicious cookie fresh from the oven that you created all on your own. Pat yourself on the back. Some of your stress and anxiety will melt away along with those melting milk chocolate chips as you enjoy your big achievement.
7. Giving to Others
Okay, maybe the best part of baking cookies is actually sharing them with others. Giving to others or providing service for others has been known to have a stress-reducing effect. You feel good for doing something kind for someone, and they feel good in return. You get your mind off of your own troubles and onto the important work of helping someone else.
If you know someone who may need a bright spot in their day, consider baking them some comfort cookies. You could hand-deliver them, which could allow for some helpful conversation. You could also send cookies by mail, giving them an unexpected yet happy surprise.
Although some people may see baking simply as an indulgence, you can see how beneficial baking cookies can actually be. Baking is a great way to start feeling happier almost immediately.
Whether you decide to bake a simple chocolate chip cookie or a gourmet peanut butter cookie, you are sure to find some stress and anxiety relief. Remember to enjoy your time baking and to reward yourself with the delicious fruits of your labors.
Life can be challenging, but cookies can make it better. If even for a moment.