Abraham Lincoln said, “All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.” Unfortunately, not every mom out there gets that kind of praise. We’ve all been guilty of forgetting to thank our moms for their day-in-day-out devotion. For this article, we asked readers to share overdue praise for their moms. Happy reading—and don’t forget to send your mom a batch of Chocolate Shipped Cookies this Mother’s Day. It’s one small way to say, “Mom, I appreciated you all along—even on the days when I didn’t say it.”

Vanessa Magdalenova
Vanessa Magdalenova is the Marketing Manager at Independent Fashion Bloggers. In her free time, she enjoys being in nature, gardening, cooking, and going on long walks in the evenings.
Thank you for reminding me to take a jacket, Mom.
My mother and I have always been very close – she is my best friend, my most trusted advisor, and the one person I know I can always count on for absolutely anything. She is an incredibly strong woman and has been through so much in order to raise me and provide me with everything I needed growing up, and I am forever grateful to her for all that she’s done for me.
I often express my gratitude to her, but the one thing I never really thanked her for is all the times she tells me to “put on a sweater” or “take a jacket” when going outside. I’m in my late twenties and to this day she still tells me something along those lines every single time I leave the house.
When I was younger, I would often find it annoying and intrusive, controlling even. But as I grew older (and not necessarily much wiser), I came to understand what these words actually mean and that they are a true expression of just how deep motherly love can be. It’s truly remarkable how there can be so many feelings hidden in something so simple, and I’m so happy to have such a caring and protective mom.
I’ve always believed it’s the little things that matter the most when it comes to love, so as long as she keeps reminding me to take a jacket, I really don’t need much else. Thank you, mama!
Thank you for allowing me to grow.
Mothers day is an auspicious and well-deserved celebration of motherhood.
My mother has done insurmountable things for me and I cannot thank her enough, but for starters, I would thank her for allowing me to grow at my own pace and being patient with me. I would also be grateful for the sacrifices she made to have me when she was a very ambitious woman herself.
It takes immense willpower to give up one’s dream and give birth to a child. When the whole world was against me, my mother was my biggest supporter and she has been my shining angel through every thick and thin. As I grew up, I realized that I owed my mother even more gratitude for not spoiling me and giving me everything I wanted. It made me a better person and accepting of life’s difficulties.
No amount of gratitude would be enough to thank any mother but letting them know they matter and appreciating their efforts counts just as much.

Damon Routzhan
Damon Routzhan, Founder of Concrete Candles based in Texas, US.

Lisa Arlington
Lisa Arlington, Woman Entrepreneur managing a gift related blog & store- Giftsnerd.
Thanks for bringing me up as a better person.
We have always [heard] that your home is the first institution you learn from. I would say that my mother is the first and the best institution I ever learned from. She brought me up in the best possible way and always taught me to be a responsible person and to treat others in a civilized manner as I want others to treat me. I have now realized that I should always be thankful to my mother for always being there for me when I needed her and showing me the right path. I believe that I haven’t truly thanked her for bringing me up the way she did, and I should’ve done this a long time ago.
Thank you for working so hard to raise me to be a kind-hearted person.
I know it was exhausting, and I genuinely appreciate how much she has always done for me. Whenever I felt upset, she came to me and encouraged me. Thank you is a tiny thing to say in light of all her sacrifices. I am very much thankful to her because she taught me how to have a good life, even in bad circumstances. Her guidance and courage helped me a lot throughout my whole life.

Elizabeth Hicks
Elizabeth Hicks, Co-Founder of Parenting Nerd.

Nadia McDannels
Nadia McDannels, founder of Whichdiapersarethebest.com and, most importantly, a mom!
My mom was always there for me when I needed her the most.
Having my own children really made me realize just how grateful I was that my mom was there for me when I needed her to support me the most. I recently thanked her for being at every single one of my dance competitions as a child. I understand now how busy she must have been with children to raise, a house to run and a job to keep.
As a very busy working mom myself, I struggle to make enough time for my kids. Finding a balance between providing for them and spending quality time with them is tough. So the fact that my mom, who worked full time throughout my childhood, managed to always be there when I needed her the most, is amazing to me.
Thank you for your guidance.
One thing that my mom did for me that I couldn’t thank her enough for was having me learn a second language when I was a kid. This helped expand my cultural awareness of the world and meet all kinds of cool, interesting people through the course of my life. If it wasn’t for learning English from a very young age, I would have missed many important connections and opportunities due to the language barrier. So I can’t thank my mother enough for insisting that I learn English when I was growing up, which helped my educational and professional development in ways I couldn’t have imagined many years ago.

Nikolina Jeric
Nikolina Jeric is a writer, poet, and founder of 2Date4Love, where she writes professionally about love and relationships.

Robert Johnson
Robert Johnson, Founder of Sawinery.
Mother knows best.
I would definitely thank my mother for motivating me to pursue my dreams when I felt like giving up. Building up a dream when I was younger was very hard. It was very difficult to find inspiration in a world that’s full of competition. Despite all of that, my mother deeply believed in my [artistic ability] in woodcraft. She saw my skill and my passion and reminded me every day that someday I would reach my goal if I didn’t stop believing. I have kept that in my heart and mind throughout these years. Yes, all my hard work has paid off. Where I am today and what I have become is all because of my mom. Truly, mother knows best.
All the hours spent taking care of me when I was sick
I wish I would have thanked her every time she took care of me when I was sick. I caught a cold a few days ago. While I was stuck in bed, I was thinking about the dedication of my mom when I was sick as a child. I didn’t have this sensitivity to be grateful for each and every time she came to check on my fever, my cough, or nausea. Growing older, I see how much patience it took, and I hope I will give back to my future children with the same amount of love and compassion. Thank you, Mom!

Ludovic Chung-Sao
Ludovic Chung-Sao is the founder of Zen Soundproof. He uses his experience as a Mechanical Engineer to compile Soundproofing DIY guides.
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