Our world contains so much noise and distraction that it can sometimes seem impossible to focus on a single task. Our brains can easily become overstimulated by everything going on around us.
If you are in college, the ability to focus and concentrate may be more critical than ever, especially with finals right around the corner.
There are many things you can do to stay focused as you study and prepare for the dreaded finals week. But did you know that certain foods can help with concentration? Keep reading to find out what you should start eating (or drinking) to improve your ability to focus.
1. Nuts And Seeds
Nuts and seeds contain high amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin E, which are essential nutrients for brain health and the ability to focus. Nuts and seeds also provide long-lasting energy, which you will undoubtedly need as you cram for your tests.
Nuts and seeds make a great quick-and-easy snack when you’re on the go. Grab a handful or put some in a baggie to snack on while in class or studying. These brain boosters also make great toppings on salads or as mix-ins for your favorite smoothie.
The best nuts and seeds to improve brain function include,
- Sunflower Seeds
- Pumpkin Seeds
- Flax Seeds
- Walnuts
- Almonds
- Pinenuts
- Brazil Nuts
- Hazelnuts
2. Blueberries
Blueberries are a delicious superfood. They are high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. Blueberries help provide you with needed focus and may also help prevent memory loss as the antioxidants build up in your brain over time.
Blueberries are delicious on their own or added to salads, smoothies, oatmeal, or cereal. Other berries that benefit your brain include blackberries and strawberries.
3. Dark Chocolate
This is not a joke—chocolate may actually be good for you! Well, dark chocolate, that is. Dark chocolate contains antioxidants and caffeine. Both of these properties can help keep you alert and focused.
Dark chocolate also contains magnesium, which can help lower stress, and flavonoids, which can enhance focus and boost energy levels. Best of all, dark chocolate elevates the serotonin in your brain, making you feel happier.
As with most things, dark chocolate should only be consumed in moderation. About one ounce daily is enough to satisfy your sweet tooth and improve your brain function. Enjoy dark chocolate plain or in your favorite dessert, such as gourmet chocolate chip cookies.
4. Green, Leafy Vegetables
Remember how your mom always told you to “eat your vegetables” at dinner? Mom was smart. Leafy greens, in particular, are a great energy source and can help improve focus and memory retention.
The most beneficial leafy greens include,
- Broccoli
- Kale
- Spinach
- Collard Greens
- Romaine Lettuce
5. Eggs
Eggs contain protein and heart-healthy fats, which provide you with energy as well as improved brain function. Enjoy scrambled eggs for breakfast, or have boiled eggs on hand for a quick, healthy snack.
6. Fatty Fish
Omega-3 fatty acids are vital for healthy brain function, and fatty fish contain a boatload of these essential nutrients. The fatty acids found in certain fish can enhance your memory and learning abilities, including the ability to concentrate.
When choosing which fish to eat, avoid fish that are high in mercury. Instead, opt for one of these healthy fatty fish options:
- Salmon
- Cod
- Pollock
- Canned Light Albacore Tuna
- Sardines
7. Fiber-Rich Foods
In order to function properly, a healthy brain needs healthy blood flow. Plaque buildup in your blood vessels will restrict the blood flow to your brain, as well as other parts of the body.
Eating fiber-rich foods can reduce the risk of plaque buildup and enhance the blood flow to your brain. Eat the following foods to improve cognitive health and have a clear, focused mind.
- Oats
- Apples
- Carrots
- Black Beans
- Chia Seeds
- Whole Wheat
- Avocados
- Broccoli
- Nuts
8. Coffee And Green Tea
The caffeine found in coffee and green tea can help with alertness, concentration, and memory. Green tea also contains L-Theanine, which not only helps keep you awake but can help you feel more relaxed.
Remember that too much caffeine can make you feel anxious and jittery, which is not helpful when studying or trying to concentrate.
9. Water
Water is essential for living, but did you know drinking water can also help keep you focused? Being dehydrated, even just a little, can negatively affect the ability of your brain cells to communicate.
Your brain needs water to function correctly. Keeping hydrated with water can increase focus, concentration, motor coordination, and more. Get a large water bottle or tumbler to keep with you so you can drink plenty of water throughout the day.
Foods To Avoid
When desiring to improve your brain function and focus, there are certain foods that you should avoid.
- Sugary Drinks– It may be challenging, but say no to soda, juice, and energy drinks.
- Refined Carbs– Avoid sugar and highly processed grains like white flour.
- High-Mercury Fish– Certain fish, such as sharks, tilefish, swordfish, and some tunas, can negatively affect brain function.
- Excess Alcohol– Consuming too much alcohol can alter the function of your brain’s neurotransmitters. It can also affect your sleep, resulting in brain fog and a lack of focus.
- Highly-Processed Foods– While the sugar, salt, and other ingredients in highly-processed foods provide quick energy, they can inhibit your ability to concentrate.
- Aspartame– This artificial sweetener can adversely affect learning ability, as it may disrupt the production of neurotransmitters in the brain.
Eating a healthy diet by incorporating the foods mentioned in this article is a great way to help improve your brain function, including the ability to focus, study, and ace your upcoming finals.
Along with eating a healthy diet, some other things you can do to improve your focus include getting a good night’s rest, eating a good breakfast, meditating, eliminating distractions, exercising, reducing screen time, and taking breaks when needed.
To help you along as you study, order some gourmet cookies online. If it’s the focus you’re after, cookies have eggs, and if you select the right ones, they can also have nuts and dark chocolate. A trifecta of brain-enhancing goodness! Remember portion control. You don’t want to overdo it on cookies—yet. Save that for the celebration after you’ve aced your finals.