“Be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud.” The talented Maya Angelou spoke these famous, thought-provoking words. These words encourage us all to be kind, show empathy, and be a blessing to others.
After a dark, cloudy storm, the appearance of a rainbow gives us hope. Hope, knowing that the sun will shine again. The dark, stormy sky won’t stay that way forever. The light will come and push its way through the clouds. The same is true in our personal lives.
Personal clouds come in many different forms. Clouds may come as a broken relationship, job loss, financial struggles, devastating medical diagnoses, death of a loved one, and so on.
When someone you love is in the midst of a personal dark cloud, you can help. You can be that bright spot of hope, the “rainbow” that will remind them that this dark time won’t last forever.
Below are five suggestions for how to be that rainbow your loved one needs.

1. Words Of Comfort And Encouragement
Knowing what to say can often be tricky when someone you care about is struggling. However, letting the person know you are there for them and thinking of them can be a lifeline during their time of need.
One way to share words of encouragement and comfort includes writing a personal message in a card or letter. You can send this in the mail or deliver it in person. Although less personal, an email or text message can work as well.
If you feel inadequate to express your thoughts skillfully, another option would be to find a positive book or poem addressing the specific trial your friend is going through. Often, talented authors can portray the thoughts in our hearts better than we can.
2. A Listening Ear And A Soft Shoulder
On the other hand, there are times when the best thing you can say is nothing at all. Providing a safe space where your loved one can open up may be just what they need. Holding in emotions is never a healthy choice.
Everybody handles difficulties in different ways. Some may need to talk about their feelings. Others may need to fully express their emotions by crying or yelling. And some may need to do a combination of all of the above.
Your job here is to simply let them vent in any way they need. Now is not the time to offer advice and definitely not criticism.
Provide a listening ear and a soft shoulder to hug or cry into (along with some tissues and a pint of ice cream). Not only is this therapeutic for the person struggling, but it is also a necessary part of grieving.
3. A Basket Of Sweet Treats
Another option to offer support to someone going through a difficult time is to send them comfort food like fruit, cupcakes, or cookies.
There are many options for gifting treats to someone, but a gift basket is an ideal choice for those in need of sympathy. For example, a cookie gift basket is a great way to show you care without being over the top. You can fill the basket with a general assortment of cookies. Or, if you know their favorites, you can opt for one or two flavors they will undoubtedly enjoy.
Further personalize the sympathy cookie basket by adding a framed quote or picture, a calming candle, warm socks, a book, or your loved one’s favorite drink.
4. A Bouquet (Including Non-Traditional Ones)
It’s long been a tradition to gift a plant or a bouquet of flowers to those going through a difficult time. Giving flowers is a way to communicate our feelings when we don’t know the right words to say. Flowers can be an expression of sympathy, respect, and love.
Continue with tradition by sending your grief-stricken loved one a beautiful bouquet. White flowers, such as lilies, roses, or daisies, are an ideal choice, as they symbolize peace and serenity.
If you like to steer clear of traditional things, there are other types of bouquets to consider. Flowers aren’t the only choice. Some other bouquet material options include:
- Candy
- Cookies: Make your own or order online cookies to create a beautiful–and delicious–bouquet.
- Fruit
- Cake Pops
- Money: If you are skilled at origami, you can make bills into flowers and create a bouquet that looks great and gives the person a little financial support.
5. Service = Love
It has been said that love is spelled t-i-m-e. We believe it can also be spelled s-e-r-v-i-c-e. Show someone you love them by doing something for them, such as the following:
- Take them a meal or treat.
- Do their dishes.
- Wash and fold laundry.
- Take their dog for a walk.
- Babysit their kids.
- Pick up their groceries.
Doing something for someone going through a difficult time is a selfless act of kindness that will mean the world to them. The service you choose to do will depend on the needs of your loved one.
You can also gift them acts of service that can be done by professionals, such as a pedicure, massage, foot zoning, or a haircut and style. These things can help people relax, unwind, rest their minds, and feel more like themselves.
Each idea in this article is good, but it’s important to remember that being a “rainbow” for someone else doesn’t have to be complicated.
What you give someone in their time of need doesn’t matter nearly as much as just letting them know you are thinking of them. This is one of those instances when the saying, “It’s the thought that counts,” rings true. However, a basket of sympathy cookies will surely help sweeten the thought.
When a loved one is going through a tough time, you can be a source of hope and support for them. Check out the infographic below for five suggestions on how to be that source of hope for your loved one.