We all know the game show Family Feud, right? The one where two families compete to guess the top answers to survey questions.
Imagine, for a minute, that you are in the game. Your family is neck and neck with the opponents. It’s time for the final question.
The question on the board says, “Name a popular New Year’s resolution.” To win the buzzer question, you need to get the highest answer. You know this one. So, before the opponent has a chance, you slam your hand down on the buzzer. What’s your answer?
If you guessed “lose weight,” you would win. Losing weight tops the resolutions list most every year.
If this happens to be your New Year’s resolution, you may be ready to call it quits if all you’ve had to eat since January 1st was celery sticks, broccoli, and peas. You may be craving something sweet, but feel like if you indulge, you will ruin your resolution. Well, you’re not alone.
Many people believe they have to give up sweets entirely to lose weight, but that’s not true. You can enjoy all of your favorite baked goods and avoid guilt by simply swapping traditional ingredients with healthier options.
Butter Swaps
While butter adds a rich flavor many people enjoy, it is also high in saturated fats. Consuming high amounts of saturated fats leads to health problems like clogged arteries and high cholesterol. So, do your heart a favor and try one of these alternatives.
- Avocado– For fewer calories and added health benefits, swap your butter for avocado. Some health benefits of avocado include improved digestion and weight loss. For every cup of butter your recipe calls for, use half a cup of avocado instead.
- Ghee– While ghee isn’t necessarily any healthier than butter, it is a good alternative for those with a milk allergy or sensitivity. Since ghee is just a clarified version of butter, you can use the exact same amount (1:1 ratio).
- Unsweetened Applesauce– To help keep the moisture in your baked goods, but reduce the calories and negative health effects of butter, opt for unsweetened applesauce. Use half as much applesauce as you would butter.
- Greek Yogurt– With its thick, creamy texture, Greek yogurt can be a great alternative to butter. Simply replace one cup of butter with half a cup of Greek yogurt.
- Pumpkin– Yep, you read that right. For a boost of nutrients, swap out one cup of butter with 3/4 cup of pumpkin puree.
Sugar Alternatives
Having a diet high in processed sugar isn’t ideal, as it has been linked to type 2 diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. However, that doesn’t mean you have to give up all sweetness in your life. Consider one of these sweet alternatives to help decrease your cravings, lessen inflammation, and more.
- Reduce Quantities– While sugar is one thing that strikes fear into the hearts of dieters everywhere, it doesn’t have to be avoided altogether. When baking, you can simply lessen the amount of sugar you use. Many recipes call for more sugar than is truly necessary.
- Honey– Pure, raw honey is a superfood. Honey can help boost your immunity, decrease allergies, improve memory and sleep, clear up the skin, and provide added energy. Not to mention, it is sweet and delicious! Honey is an excellent alternative to sugar. To make the swap, use half a cup of honey for every cup of sugar the recipe calls for. For best results, slightly reduce the amount of liquid you use and add ⅛ teaspoon of baking soda.
- Stevia– Stevia is a sweetener that comes from the leaves of the stevia plant. Stevia is around 200 times sweeter than sugar, so use it sparingly. If your recipe calls for one cup of sugar, you’ll only want to use one tablespoon of liquid stevia.
Vegetable Oil Swaps
With “vegetable” in its name, you may be tempted to believe that vegetable oil is good for you. However, vegetable oil can cause inflammation, aggravate allergies, and lead to heart disease, obesity, and other diseases. Try these alternatives instead.
- Unsweetened Applesauce– Unsweetened applesauce is a great way to keep your baked goods moist and won’t change the flavor much. Use the same amount of applesauce as you would vegetable oil.
- Olive Oil– Olive oil has high levels of monounsaturated fats (healthy fats), making it a great alternative to vegetable oil. The conversion ratio is 1:1.
- Avocado Oil– Another healthy, monounsaturated fat is avocado oil. Avocado oil is also a good source of antioxidants. The conversion ratio for this oil is also 1:1.
White Flour Substitutes
All-purpose, white flour is heavily processed, robbed of nutrients, and can spike your blood sugar. Try one of these flour options instead.
- Almond Flour– Almond flour is high in protein and dietary fiber. This is a great option if you are sensitive to gluten. The swap is simple: one cup of almond flour for every cup of all-purpose flour your recipe calls for.
- Whole Wheat Flour– Whole wheat flour has a denser, nuttier flavor than its counterpart but also has a bunch more nutrients. Substitute ¾ cup of whole wheat flour for every cup of all-purpose flour.
By using one or more of these substitutions, you can still enjoy baked goods while keeping to your New Year’s resolution.
As you navigate healthy eating in 2023, remember that many experts suggest that the best type of “diet” is based on moderation, balance, and healthy habits. It is important to have the majority of your foods be ones that fuel your body and supply essential nutrients.
Restricting yourself from all indulgences can backfire. So, eating a regular cookie every now and then isn’t a bad thing. Just be sure to share your gourmet cookies with your family or freeze them to enjoy a little at a time.
Many people think that in order to reduce weight, they must completely give up desserts, but it’s untrue. Simply replacing conventional components with healthier ones allows you to indulge in all of your beloved baked products guilt-free. So, it’s okay to indulge in a normal cookie once in a while.